I997 - From left: 1.Hydrangea macrophylla 'Rose Bouquet' in the first, peat-soil planter, 2.Azalea 'Cecil' (both pink), 3.The new planter, far left (a sort of roof is covering an old well)
(R.multiflora and Clematis already planted), 4. Far right: Hydrangea petiolaris, in the peat-soil bed, first flower
The early spring 1995. The wooden planters are built around the house working as the raised beds. The right side of house I called for 'The Warm Corner' - those walls faced west-south. The 3 Lonicera sp and 2 roses were already planted.
Left: July 1995. The roses
('Bonica82', 'Heidelberg') are flowering. Summer flowers as well - white daisy I bought and Nicotiana 'Salmon' I grew myself. You can see the corner I named 'The Warm Corner' that became later the very nice place and even a little patio.
April 1995. In the long wooden planter at the southern wall 4 Clematis were planted ('Ville de Lyon', 'Nelly Moser', Cl.montana v.rubra, Cl. alpina) and a rose - 'The Fairy' and perhaps also 'Swany'
Yngve´s garden started just around the house walls, but the first bushes were planted the late autumn 1994 in front of the balcony on the backyard, faced south. In the early spring 1995 the planters as the raised beds were built around house walls, made of old, wooden breads after an scraped jetty at the beach
Left: August 1995, the ground-cover roses 'The Fairy' (pink) and 'Swany' - white in the raised bed (wooden planter) at the southern wall
On the north side of the house a raised bed was built as well, but next year, 1996. It was filled with soil mixed with much peat and at first the Rhododendron 'Baden Baden' was planted there.
Right: The peat filled wooden planter built in 1996. Azalea 'Cecil' was transplanted from south side of house and Rhododendron 'Baden Baden' was planted. To the right in a little raised bed of stones - Clematis 'Ville de Lyon'. It disappeared later
Raised Beds Around The House Walls
Above and left: The corner of house with wooden planters as raised beds built along the house walls. Left wall is facing west, right wall - facing south. In 1998 I built the stone planter connected to the beds, for a climbing rose (the third pic to the right,1998). I planted there the climbing rose 'Morgensonne' , the same year in the fall.
Late September, the rose is already 70 cm long
Southern wall
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Above left: July, right: August
Above: The planter at the southern wall in August. Mostly you see Nicotiana 'Salmon'
Above: Clematis alpina in April and Cl. montana in May. Below: July
Above Clematis montana.
Below: fridged tulips in May 1998
On the Southern Wall the Clematis montana and Cl. alpina has been grown enormous in the course of years, but Cl. alpina suddenly disappeared about 2003 or 2004 . Lonicera jap.v.Aurea was blooming in the 1998 and after it almost disappeared because of very aggressive growing Cl. montana. I pruned it down in 2000 and after that it grows again. The cover-roses became climbing, esp. 'The Fairy'
Left: Mesembryanthemum criniflorum in July. Right: wild daisy, self-sown July-August
All of lilies are still there, but colours have changed!
Those tulips almost disa-ppeared later
Raised beds build as large planters of different materials (wooden, stone, bricks) became the main way to get flowers almost everywhere, especially at the beginning, before I had found another way to create flower beds, also raised..
Lonicera japonica var.Aurea, it blooms! June 1998
This page was last updated on: 29 July, 2024
In ´The Warm Corner' left: Clematis 'M-me de Coultre' flowers became double in May this year, likely 1998; middle: The pot with Petunia 'Prism Sunshine' and Lobelia erinus pendula 'Sapphire', in August; right: Clematis vitalba that came here from entrance wooden planter, and is hanging now on Lonicera, September 2000
Southern Wall - that year the spring was so early and warm, that Chrisanthemum leucanthemum bloomed already in May, as never before - together with Cerastium tomentosum 'Silber Teppich'
Above: In October the trellis rose-arch has been built between two stone planters. One of them, the right one, is connected to the old wooden planter built in 1995 around the west-southern house walls. The climbing roses were planted in both of them.
Southern Wall. Left: Clematis montana and Clematis alpina
Right: Cl. montana just about the roof
Below: Clematis montana on the Southern Wall blooming enormously this year
Right: In June Cerastium is still blooming, and
mum 'Pastel Silks' just began
The same Osteospermum 'Pastel Silks' in July (Southern Wall). It bloomed all the time until late November!
On the north side of the house the raised bed has been enlarged a little in 1997 - one more wooden planter was built, to plant the Rosa multiflora grown from seed by me as well as Clematis viticella white form, or maybe it was really Cl. vitalba. I planted there also a cutting of Hydrangea 'Rose Bouquet' taken from the mother plant that was already in the first planter, with peat-fertilized soil, not very sour (because I just had not a sour peat).
Left: Rhododendron 'Baden Baden' and Azalea 'Cecil', May 2000 in the first, peat-soil planter, right: Fall colors in the same planter (or raised bed as well) in October 1999
June 2001, left: on the wall R.multiflora and
Clematis viticella.
Closest - yellow little tree this is Caragana arborescens 'Lobergii'
Late June 2001. Left on the pic: Rhododendron. multiflora and Cl. viticella
which grew enormous, but also did Lonicera sp. (right on the wall), grown from wild little seedling
2002 - 2003
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2004 - 2005
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Lonicera periclymenum
blooming again,
19 October!
Below: Southern wall,
Below left: late July, right:
19 October. It is flowering all summer to late fall!
Pictures in the year 2000 were still made by analog camera, Minolta Riva. In the winter 2001 Yngve has bought the new, digital camera, Olympus Camedia 680. First I was afraid using it, but since July I had tried make pictures with the new camera. After first not perfect result I started understand my camera better and pictures I made were better and better
Left: 19 October the rose
Southern Wall in spring is starred with flowers.
They are mostly Clematis but also spring bulbs
Above left: Clematis alpina, right: Clematis montana, 13 and 15 May
Above left: Clematis montana (var.rubra), right: fringed tulips (white 'SwanWing', red 'Hellas') both 19 May
This year I made extended 'stone works' - not only
I built ready the path to the entrance but also stone floor in 'The Warm Corner' to be a new, little patio
Left: Southern Wall wooden planter, now build over using light concrete bricks; late August. Many Dimorphoteca of yellow shadows was planted, grown from own seeds. Dimorphoteca is a very god to southern, dry spots like this, under the roof shelf
In summer 2003 the climbing roses ('New Dawn' and 'Morgensonne') in stone planters grew enormously up and rose-arch became really striking. Most abundant blossom occurs in July, but those roses repeat blooming also late summer
Rose arch with trellis. Above left: 'New Dawn' in July, you can also see the stone floor in 'The Warm Corner', Middle: More of the stone floor can be seen behind the rose-arch, July. Right: 'Morgensonne' on the rose arch also in July.
Southern wall with belonging the long stone planter were in bloom all the summer almost most aboundant of all in the garden
Left: 25 May, the work just began
Below right: It is already finished, and it became one more patio
Below left: 29 June, the floor is finished and the first tub with planted rose is put. Right: Me, relaxing after work, 23 August
Below right: More tubs (with double petunia) on the new floor.
Below left: Left side of 'The Warm Corner' with different summer flowers. Between stones self sown Pulmonaria variegata, in July
In stone planter - the rose
Left: The cover roses (here climbing): 'The Fairy' pink and 'Swany' - white, Clematis 'Ville de Lyon' 20 July.
Middle: Dimorphoteca in the long stone planter at the Southern Wall - 20 July, and right: Lilium orientale
'Italia'- 30 June
Above left and right:
'Glistenning White'. Below left: Lilium orientale
Above spring bulbs in the Stone Planter, left: a miniature Narcissus 'Hawer', 15 May, and right: Iris pumilla 'Pastel Charm' and narcissus 'Hawer', 13 May
Above and below left: Dimorphoteca
'Glistenning White' in stone planter, above 6 June and below left -
9 August
botanical tulips 'Praestans Fusilier' 26 April, left: in the old wooden planter, and above right: in the stone planter.
Left: Syringa vulgaris v. aucubaefolia, a lilac with variegated leaves. The shrub used to be moved to greenhouse for winter. It is the first flower, the 13 May 2004!
Above right:
Clematis 'Mme de Coultre'. About every two years its flowers becom double.
17 June
Above right: 'The Warm Corner' became a patio, where the 2-4 persons can have a rest and some tea or coffee, 20 July.
Left: in the long planter belonging to the Southern Wall, and around as well, every year are coming plenty of self sown white flowers - here 26 June: Chrisanthemum leucantheum, Ch. partenium
28 June. This is very early for roses to bloom in Sweden, but this year they did. You can see the rose 'Morgensonne'.
Left: A month later the cover-climbing roses on the Southern Wall are in full bloom. Here 'The Fairy',
20 July.
Left: The abundant bloom on the Southern Wall, large clusters of pink 'The Fairy', and white 'Swany' 20 July.
Left: 20 July - this is the blossom time, mostly for roses. Here 'New Dawn' on the rose-arch (left side) and close-up pic on some beautiful flowers.
Above right - Dimorphoteca 'Yellow Pastels' flowering all the summer, here -
9 October (Southern Wall)
Right: Clematis montana v.rubra
blooming enormous abundant from May. Here 5 June.
Left: The rose almost disappears in a cloud of Chrisanthemum partenium and Lobularia maritima, all self sown. 30 June
Later, in July the 6, the much more flowers have been coming.
Right - the rose 'Ann Boleyn' is a little frail and looks tired, but still beautiful when found a support on the bricks of the stone planter..
Below left: 19 May,Syringa vulgaris v. aucubaefolia, a lilac with variegated leaves. It is planted in a larger tub, maybe in 2001.
Above middle: Triumph Tulips 'Shirley' in the planter at Southern Wall, 18 May.
Above: Rhododendron 'Baden Baden' , 21 May 2002 in the first, peat-soil planter, below: 'Baden Baden' and Azalea 'Cecil' 29 May 2002. You can see that Azalea starts to bloom later, while Rhododendron is finishing
Above: 31 May 2004 , Rhod.
'Baden Baden' is finishing blossom. The flowers turn more and more pale pink.
Above: 5 June 2003 , Rhod. 'Baden Baden' already turned pale pink but the flowers are still fresh and beautiful
Above: 21 May 2004, Rhod. 'Baden Baden' is on the top of blossom
Above: Rhod. 'Baden Baden' almost shed its blossoms, flowers are fade; 29 May 2002
Above: 15 June 2002, Hydrangea petiolaris, planted about 1997, now began growing intensively and blooming
Rosa multiflora I grew from seeds is blooming.
This is very aggressive rose that grows tremendous intensively but flowers stay short time and are not very impressing. You must prune it down at least every two years. Here in 2003
Left: early June, right: late June.
Above: North Side of the house the 28 June 2004. In foreground Clematis erecta, very strong fragrant
All around the house - west-southern walls
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Northern Wall 1997 - 2005
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At the very beginning
Right: Syringa 3 June, with 'Happy Lizzie' and
self sown Dianthus caesius
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